40 research outputs found

    Synergies in scholarship at the research teaching nexus

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    Survey instrument for examining research synergies in scholarship at the research teaching nexu

    Re-imagining Higher Education through Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability: Policy Report

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    This report gives recommendations to higher education institutions and policymakers to address issues of equality, diversity and inclusion within the Higher Education sector. The report draws on discussions and papers in the 2nd international conference on equality, diversity and inclusion of the European University of Technology. The conference (RISE 2022) addressed issues of re-imagining higher education through equity, inclusion and sustainability and was hosted by Technical University of Sofia in Sozopol, Bulgaria between 1-3 September 2022

    Writing for Academic Journals in the Business Domain

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    Welcome to the first in a series of peer learning handbooks developed by PhD and MPhil research students to help assist their peers along the academic writing journey. The first of this series of handbooks deals with academic writing for researchers within the business domain. Although approaches to clear writing such as scrutinizing every word and sentence for meaning and purpose and learning to listen to feedback are common features of excellent writing across all disciplines, there are also differences between writing within different domains. Even within the business domain there may be differences in writing approaches between economists for example or business computing analysts and more qualitative behavioural approaches. It is important therefore that new researchers recognise that there are guidelines and norms in writing excellence that might in part be determined by the audience and the field that they are contributing to.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/researchporbk/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Finding Your Voice In Academic Writing

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    Series of books written for students of business with students as co-creatorshttps://arrow.tudublin.ie/researchporbk/1003/thumbnail.jp

    The Internationalization of Creative Professional Service Firms

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    The need to understand the internationalization process of the organization is a field of increasing contemporary interest due to greatly intensified trade flows between nations over the last two decades. While traditionally internationalization was generally pursued by manufacturing firms, service organizations, including creative professional service firms (creative PSFs) such as architects now commonly internationalize their activities. However, theory to date continues to focus on traditional manufacturing firms, and while insights relating to service firm internationalization have gained traction over the last decade, theoretical contributions remain fragmented and overlook the particular features of how creative PSFs internationalize. This is despite the growing recognition that trade in creative knowledge intensive services is a critical component to the health and competitiveness of both mature and emerging economies. This study addresses this gap by exploring how creative PSFs internationalize using ten case studies within the architecture sector. The in-depth qualitative analysis of interview and archival data enables the composition of three research papers, representing three key theoretical contributions. The primary contributions are to international business (IB) literature, firstly by unpacking the portfolio of business models that creative PSFs use to internationalize, and secondly by identifying how creative PSFs internationalize by moving from outside to inside relevant international networks. The second paper also adds to organizational status literature by uncovering the interplay between hierarchies of networks. The identification of a strategic dichotomy within the particular creative PSF sector detailed in the first paper represents a significant contribution to the PSF literature

    The Irish Country House Table

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    The Irish Countey House is a collection of recipes from country houses all over Ireland. Published by Gill & Macmillan, Goldenbridge, Dublin 8 in 1994. Editorial consultant Roberta Reeners, Index compiled by Helen Litton. Design and Origination by Design Image, Dublin. Printed and bound in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner, London. Access the publishers website here Gill & Macmillan 169 p., col. ill., 24 cm.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irckbooks/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Synergies in Scholarship at the Research Teaching Nexus at TU Dublin: Building Research Synergies into Teaching Activity Workshop

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    Objective of workshop is to provide and recognise possibilities for research synergies for individuals attending and to help participants develop more research supportive personal teaching philosophies. The workshop is evidence based and drawn from a survey of academics at TU Dublin in early 2021 on research synergies at the research teaching nexus

    Co-authoring Strategies in Business Research

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    students to help assist their peers along the academic writing journey. This handbook addresses co-authoring strategies in business research. The students are discovering much to debate about co-authoring in academic writing. While co-authoring has shown to lead to higher research output and productivity for researchers, there are challenges. Not least ensuring a fair contribution of each author can be expected in an ethical approach. Recognising different co-authoring strategies is very helpful before embarking on a co-writing exercise. Strategic approaches to co-authoring might be because of multidisciplinary expertise that can speed up the socially constructed process of developing a paper. It may either be sensible for early career academics to bring in publication expertise to a writing team to help position work and manoeuvre the publication minefield. It may simply be two writers with similar background.https://arrow.tudublin.ie/researchporbk/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Supporting Academic Synergies Through co-Evolution of Teaching and Research Excellence from Evidence-Based Practice.

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    Ireland’s first Technological University(TU) came into existence in January2019, mergingthree existinghigher education institutions. This work is set in the context of thisnew TU, and explores how teaching, learning and educational research can co-evolve to generate synergies supported by evidence-based practice of the core activity sets of the lecturer. In thedisciplinarydomain ofBusiness Education, theHead of Learning Development and Head ofResearch haveidentified thebenefits of aligningaspects oftheir work in supporting academic staff to plan and undertake structured inquiry into their teaching. This is predicated on our belief that the range of work involved in supporting teaching and research are not mutually exclusive. Having a clear vision, followed through with actions, that is underpinned by shared values and common grounds for intellectual commitment,wewishtotakeadvantage ofwhatworkingmoreclosely together onsharedinitiativescan bringforstaff andstudents.We shareanaimof: • exploringconsciouscontinuousresearching andteaching integration inBusinessEducation. • increasing evidence ofteaching excellence inBusinessEducation through evidence-based practice; • theremoval ofasilomentalityinthedisciplines; • creating synergistic approaches inteaching andresearching intheCollege; • supportingcollaborative andcollective thinkingandlearning; • buildingresearch capability fromteaching capability; • promotingandrecognising excellence withinteaching acrosstheCollege andraise theprofileofteaching asanevidence-based practice. Initial conversations focused on how integrating research and teaching can drive excellence and pedagogic innovation in practice. Ultimately, an exploration of concepts and practice of excellence in relation to teaching and research can ensure a qualitystudent learning experience. The importance of involvement of staff with strong pedagogical skills has been highlighted where strategic decisions related to teaching, learning and assessment are being made. Bringing business school theory to teaching practice, the work draws on theories of co-evolution existing within various fields such as sociology and biology (Thompson, 2005) and combines this with the synergy construct from the strategic management literature (e.g. Shaver, 2006). In combining these approaches, we are hoping a framework can be developed that can recognise and capture the interactions and complex underlying processes between teaching and research that ensures institutional fitness and also facilitates the respective heads of teaching and learning and research in integrating synergies into the process. This approach is not deterministic, but recognises that in co-evolutionary processes, traits and characteristics of participants change and ‘fitness’emerges. As progressing excellence and innovation in teaching and learning with staff involves seeking evidence-based methods to inform their teaching practice, a key challenge going forward is how to gather the right types of evidence to demonstrate teaching excellence. We would like to open a conversation with colleagues at the conference, discussing and building in multiple perspectives and other solutions from colleagues facing similar challenges in their institutions. This will continue to encourage new ideas and freshways of thinking about our work

    ARTCAREER: Working as an Artist in the Regions of the Republic of Ireland Today: a Policy Report

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    The ARTCAREER project began with trying to understand the problem of how artists can build more sustainable careers. Talented artists that dedicate much of their working lives to studying and creating art often exist in virtual poverty or rely on the financial support of family to supplement professional careers...ARTCAREER aims to make the working lives of artists in regional towns more visible and to create a range of outputs from evidence collected